Tape Worm Tabs

Tape Worm Tabs

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Tape Worm Tabs is currently unavailable. Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.

Tape Worm Tabs for Dogs and Cats

What are Tape Worm Tabs?

Tape Worm Tabs are tablets containing praziquantel, a medication used to rid tapeworm infestations in dogs and cats. Tape Worm Tabs are indicated for infestations of tapeworms including dipylidium caninum, a tapeworm transmitted by fleas. While Tape Worm Tabs are available without a prescription, veterinarian contact is necessary to use them. The cat product contains 23 mg of praziquantel, and the dog product contains 34 mg of praziquantel and they are not interchangeable. The dosing considerations listed below are general guidelines and should not take place of a veterinarian’s recommendations. Most cats and dogs will have their tapeworm infestation cleared up after one dose. However, if proper prevention is not employed they may reappear. Tape Worm Tabs should not be used in kittens under 6 weeks of age and puppies less than 4 weeks of age. Fasting is not recommended before giving Tape Worm Tabs, they may be given with food.

Weight of cat in pounds

Dose of Tape Worm Tabs using cat product (23 mg tablets)

Cats weighing 4 lbs and under

½ tablet (11.5 mg)

Cats weighing 5-11 lbs

1 tablet (23 mg)

Cats weighing over 11 lbs

1.5 tablets (34.5 mg)

Weight of dog in pounds

Dose of Tape Worm Tabs using dog product (34 mg tablets)

Dogs weighing 5 lbs and under

½ tablet (17 mg)

Dogs weighing 6-10 lbs

1 tablet (34 mg)

Dogs weighing 11-15 lbs

1.5 tablets (51 mg)

Dogs weighing 16-30 lbs

2 tablets (68 mg)

Dogs weighing 31-45 lbs

3 tablets (102 mg)

Dogs weighing 46-60 lbs

4 tablets (136 mg)

Dogs weighing over 60 lbs

5 tablets (170 lbs)