Frequently Asked Questions

Ordering 📥

How do I place an order?

Search for what you need for your pet. Decide if you want the order to be placed once or if you want autoship. If you just want one order right now, add the quantity you need to your cart. Autoship orders save 5% on every order. Choose how often you want an autoship order and subscribe to head to the cart. Proceed to checkout. Sign in to your account or create a new account.

In checkout

Give your shipping and billing addresses. Choose your shipping method. Apply a discount code. Give payment information. Add or select your pet and veterinarian for prescription items. Do two pets need the same medication? Select both and choose your quantity! Tell our pharmacist about your pet’s current medications, medical conditions, and drug allergies. Place your order!

What happens after I place my order?

A pending charge or pre-authorization hold is placed in your credit account when you hit place order. A pharmacy technician reviews each new order. If we need a prescription, we contact your clinic via fax, email, or phone to request one. We may email or text you to confirm if you are mailing in a prescription. Once we can dispense everything in your order, the order and the payment are finalized. The order is filled and checked by a pharmacist. Our shippers package and label the order. Carriers pick up packages each business day.

When do you charge my credit card?

A pending charge or pre-authorization hold is placed in your credit account when you hit place order. Once we can dispense everything in your order, the order and the payment are finalized.

When will I receive my order?

This depends on what you order and the shipping you select. On average, it takes two to three business days to get prescriptions. Regular shipping takes on average three business days to deliver, but may take up to eight business days. Delivery often takes the longest during the holiday shipping season between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Questions? Email us at

Do I have to make an account to place an order?

You do not have to make an account if you order over-the-counter items. You will need to make an account if you choose to start an autoship subscription or if you order a prescription item.

How do I get a refill?

To refill a medication, place a new order for what you need. When you place the new order, you will need to select the pet that needs the medication and the veterinarian. You need to choose the veterinarian whether you have prescription refills on file or not. You will not be able to see whether you have refills on file when you place the order. When a pharmacy technician reviews your order, they will apply any refills available.

How do I order the same drug for multiple pets?

Add the total quantity that you need to the cart. Go to checkout. Click on the button Enter Pet and Veterinarian Details. Click on/ highlight each pet. Make sure they are surrounded by orange circles. Save pet selection. Adjust the quantities for each pet. Click on Save Pet Splits.

Can I place an order? Do you fill orders for veterinarians only?

Yes! You can place an order. We are a retail pharmacy that fills orders for individuals and their dogs and cats.

What kinds of payments do you accept?

We accept major US credit cards Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. We do not currently accept Care Credit or Paypal. As legally we cannot ship outside of the United States, we do not accept non-US credit cards.

Can I delete my account?

After logging in, you can delete your address, phone number, pet(s), veterinarian(s), and saved credit card information from your account. We need to retain some records for the boards of pharmacy that we are responsible to. Please note that VetRxDirect does not share or sell personal information. We understand how important your privacy is.

Prescriptions 📜

How do you get prescriptions?

We contact veterinary clinics by fax, email, or phone to request prescriptions. Clinics can fax or call in prescriptions. Clinics can also send us prescriptions over email as well, but to meet the requirements of pharmacy law, we follow up by phone to verify the validity of the script. Our main email address is When we request prescriptions from clinics, we provide them with our fax numbers and a vet-specific phone line.

Customers can mail in signed original prescriptions. We need the signed, original prescription because if you retain the original document, it may be able to be filled more times than your veterinarian approved. Our mailing address is: VetRxDirect, 1900 James Street Suite 11, Coralville, IA 52241

Do you have a veterinarian that can give me a prescription?

We do not have a veterinarian that can give you a prescription for your cat or dog. VetRxDirect is a pharmacy that fills orders for individuals and their dogs and cats.

Why do you need a prescription from a veterinarian?

The US Federal Food and Drug Administration requires that prescription items for dogs and cats be used only by or under the order of a licensed veterinarian. Our pharmacy can only take prescriptions written by veterinarians licensed in the United States. There are a small number of non-prescription items for which our pharmacy requires prescriptions either at the request of the manufacturer or for safety reasons.

How do I know if I need a prescription?

An orange Rx symbol will appear on the product page of any item that requires a prescription. The page will also have a notation Requires veterinary authorization

How long is my prescription good?

Prescriptions are generally valid for a year. For this reason, and because veterinarians need to examine their patients every year, we will not fill more than a year’s supply for any pet. A veterinarian can add an expiration date to any prescription to make it valid for less than a year. A veterinarian can also limit how long a prescription can be used by only allowing a certain quantity to be dispensed or by not allowing for refills. There are many reasons why a veterinarian may choose to do this, such as knowing that certain tests will need to be performed to safely continue a drug’s use.

Can you ask my veterinarian to put refills on my prescription?

Your veterinarian is the expert that is most deeply involved in the care of your pet. VetRxDirect allows your veterinarian complete discretion over whether to allow for refills. It is best if you discuss the need for refills directly with your veterinarian.

How do I know if I have any refills on file?

Refills are shown on your prescription labels. You will not be able to see any refills on file or filed prescription information in your account. If you have questions about your refills, please email us at

I have not placed my order yet. Can I mail a prescription to you to keep on file?

We need two parts to dispense a prescription item: An order for you placed through our website, and a prescription from a veterinarian. If you mail us a prescription, before you place an order, please include for us your name, address, email address, phone number, and if possible, a past order number. If we have your email address, we will email you when we receive your prescription to let you know that we have it on file.

Discounts 💵

How can I get a coupon?

VetRxDirect sends out coupons regularly by text and email. You can sign up for our email newsletter by clicking on the link on our home page.;

How do I add my coupon?

You can add your coupon on the checkout page.

How many discounts or coupons can I use on one order?

We love discounts! We send out coupons regularly to customers by text and email. You can also get discounts for autoship subscriptions. You can use one discount or coupon on each order.

When does my coupon expire?

Coupons expire in seven days unless otherwise noted. Most coupons are good for a month.

What does the phrase Guaranteed Lowest Authorized Price mean?

Many manufacturers have minimum advertised pricing (MAP) policies. These MAP policies state that any authorized retailer of the product must comply with the minimum pricing terms set by the manufacturer. This is why you often see many pet pharmacies offering products for the exact same price.

When you find products advertised at prices less than all the other retailers, often on marketplaces or at unfamiliar stores, it is usually an indication the retailer does not have the approval of the manufacturer to represent the product.

This often results in a lower quality product being offered by the retailer. As a customer, you have no guarantees on how the product was obtained, transported, and stored. In the worst cases, products are damaged, expired, or adulterated in unrecognizable ways. To keep your pets safe, make sure you are buying authentic products from an authorized retailer like VetRxDirect Pet Pharmacy.

Autoship and Subscriptions 📨

What is autoship?

Wouldn’t it be nice if you did not have to remember to refill your pets’ medications? That is possible with an autoship subscription.  You also get a guaranteed 5% discount on every order without having to search for a coupon. When you place an order, you can choose to enroll.  With a subscription, your next order will be automatically placed when you need it.

Think you might get overstocked? We send you an email reminder about a week ahead of time to give you plenty of time to make adjustments. You can also easily make changes to the date of your next order, the frequency, quantity, or shipping and billing details at any time.

You may make changes to your payment method in the My Auto Delivery section of My Account located at Your pet’s items will ship automatically until you cancel your subscription.

When will I receive my autoship orders?

You choose the frequency of your autoship orders, and you can select the exact date you would like your next order to be placed. We will send you an email about a week before your next autoship order is going to be placed in case you need to make any adjustments. Once your order is placed in the system, we send you an order confirmation email with an order number. Autoship orders for OTCs usually ship the same or next business day the order is placed. 

If we have a prescription or refill on file, subscription orders for prescription items usually ship the same or next business day. If we need to get a new prescription before we can dispense an order, it will take longer for us to ship your order. We request prescriptions from clinics usually within two hours if an order is placed during working hours. Requests for prescriptions are sent the next business day as soon as possible if orders are placed outside of working hours. It takes on average two to three business days to get a prescription from most clinics.

How do I sign up for autoship?

You can sign up for an autoship subscription when you place an order. Just click on the autoship button and select how often you want to get the product.

What benefits do I get from autoship?

With autoship, you don’t have to remember when you need to place a new order. One will automatically be placed for you. You also get a 5% discount on every order without having to search for a coupon or a discount code. You can cancel, skip an order, move an order date up, or change how often orders are sent easily through your account or by emailing us at 

Why is the recurring discount only 5%?

Many drug manufacturers encourage minimum prices and discount limits on their products. Most of these manufacturers request that pharmacies they allow to sell their products limit subscription discounts to 5% or less.

What if I get a coupon for 10% off?

You can use only one discount or coupon on each order. If you get a coupon for 10%, you can skip your autoship order and then place a one-time order using your 10% off coupon to get the best discount. You can also contact us by email at and we can help you get the best savings. 

How do I manage my autoship?

You can make all kinds of changes to your autoship subscription – change the next order date, choose to send an order now, skip an order, change the billing address, change the shipping address, adjust the quantity of items, change the frequency of orders, pause your subscription, or cancel your subscription. Once you log into your account, click on My Autoship Subscriptions to see and manage them. 

I have two items on subscription, and the orders should be placed on the same day. How do I get them to be in the same order? Why are they showing up as separate orders?

If the shipping addresses or billing are different for different products, then multiple orders will be placed. To make the billing all the same, choose Change billing for each subscription and select the same credit card. To make the shipping address the same, click on Change shipping, type in your information, click the box Use for all shipments and add the new address. 

I have an autoship subscription for a prescription item. Will you need a new prescription every time an order is placed?

This depends on the prescriptions that we receive from your clinic. If your veterinarian allows for refills on the prescriptions that we receive, we will not need a new prescription for every order. 

How do I change the credit card on my autoship?

On your My Autoship Subscriptions, click on Change billing at the bottom of the subscription. This will take you to the My Billing Details page. On that page, you can add your new card number, and then save. If your card is already listed, click on the card, and then click on Update Payment Method. Your autoship billing will be updated.

Just added your new card to your account under My Billing Details? Click on Manage autoship delivery payment methods, then click on Change billing at the bottom of the subscription. Click on the card that you want to use, and then click on Update Payment Method.

You will see a symbol for arrows at the top right of the card that is being used for a subscription.

I have two credit cards in my account. How do I know which card is being used for my autoship subscription?

You will see a symbol for arrows at the top right of the card that is being used for a subscription.

How do I change the date of my next autoship order?

Click on the Change Date button for the subscription you want to adjust.

How do I change the shipping address for my autoship subscription?

Click on Change shipping for the subscription you want to adjust. Type in your information and add your new address. If you want all your subscriptions to go to that address, check the box Use for all shipments.

I have two products on subscription. I want to change the next date of only one of them. How do I do that?

If you have two products set to be sent in the same order, you can change the date of one of them by first choosing Remove Item From Order. Once the item has been removed from the order, you can change the next order date for each item separately.

How do I skip my next order?

Click on Skip Order button for the subscription that you want to adjust.

How do I cancel my autoship subscription?

Click on Cancel Subscription below the product name and follow the prompts.

How do I know which pet is associated with my autoship subscription?

If your autoship subscription is for a prescription item, the pet and veterinary clinic associated with the subscription will be listed below the product.

Can I change the veterinarian saved with my autoship subscription?

At this time, we cannot change the veterinarian associated with a subscription. The best way to ensure that the correct clinic is contacted the next time you need a new prescription is to cancel your current subscription and then place a new order to restart the subscription with the correct clinic selected.;

Can I change the pet saved with my autoship subscription?

At this time, we cannot change the pet associated with a subscription. The best way to ensure that the correct pet is chosen the next time an order is placed is to cancel your current subscription and then place a new order to restart the subscription with the correct pet selected.

Can I change the product on my autoship subscription?

At this time, we cannot change the product on subscription. The best way to change products is to cancel your current subscription and place a new order to start a new subscription for the product you want.

How will I know when my next autoship subscription order is going to be placed?

We send you a reminder email about a week before your next subscription order is going to be placed. You can also see the next scheduled order date by logging into your account.

How do I add an item to my subscription order?

At this time, our system does not allow you to add items to be shipped one time to your subscription orders. The best thing to do is to skip your next subscription order and place a one-time order with all the products that you need. Missing that 5% discount? Email us at

Shipping 🚚

How long will shipping take?

We offer regular shipping, 2-3 business day shipping, and next business day shipping. You can choose your shipping speed at checkout. Regular shipping can take between two and eight business days. Average time to delivery for regular shipping is about three business days.

Do you have free shipping?

Yes! Most orders over $59 qualify for free regular shipping. If a product must be shipped with cold packs and/or expedited shipping, it will not qualify for free shipping.

How much will shipping cost?

Regular Shipping

  • Orders over $59 qualify for free regular shipping.
  • Orders under $59 – $4.49 plus $2.75 per pound for shipments over 8 ounces

2-3 Business Day Shipping

  • $14.99 plus $2.99 per pound for shipments over 8 ounces

Next Business Day Shipping

  • $29.99 plus $3.99 per pound for shipments over 8 ounces
What shipping carriers do you use?

We ship orders using the United States Postal Service (USPS), FedEx, and UPS. Our shippers select the best carrier for your address, the size and weight of the package, and the product or drug at the time of shipment.

Most orders with regular shipping that weigh less than five pounds will be sent via USPS. Orders that weigh over 10 pounds, have 2-3 business day shipping, or have next business day shipping will usually be sent via FedEx or UPS.

What is your shipping cutoff time?

Our shipping cutoff time is 3 PM Central time Monday through Friday.

How can I track my order?

We will send an email with tracking information when your order is shipped. The tracking usually updates in the evening the day that the order is shipped. Shipping emails may go to spam in your email inbox because they contain a link to the tracking information.

Do you ship to Alaska?

Unfortunately, at this time we do not have a pharmacy license to ship presription items to Alaska. We can ship most, but not all, over-the-counter items to Alaska. We cannot send any products that require expedited shipping, ground shipping, or cold packs to Alaska. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

Do you ship to Hawaii?

We can ship most, but not all, items to Hawaii. We cannot send any products that require expedited shipping, ground shipping, or cold packs to Hawaii. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

Do you ship to Puerto Rico?

We can ship most, but not all, over-the-counter items to Puerto Rico. We cannot send any products that require expedited shipping, ground shipping, or cold packs to Puerto Rico. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

Do you ship to Canada?

We are not licensed to fill orders for shipment outside of the United States. This includes direct shipments and orders sent to addresses within the United States that are then being shipped outside the United States.

I live outside the US. Will you send me an order?

We are not licensed to fill orders for shipment outside of the United States. The only exception is that we ship over-the-counter items to Puerto Rico. This includes direct shipments and orders sent to addresses within the United States that are then being shipped outside the United States.

Will this holiday affect when I receive my order?

Some holidays will affect when you receive your order. Our pharmacy is closed for New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

Orders with regular shipping are usually sent via the United States Postal Service and will be delayed by federal holidays. Orders with expedited shipping are usually sent via FedEx or UPS and may be delayed by the holidays that those carriers observe.

USPS does not deliver to my street address. Will you ship to my PO Box? Do you need my street address?

We ship orders using the United States Postal Service (USPS), FedEx, and UPS.

Our shippers select the best carrier for your address, the size and weight of the package, and the product or drug at the time of shipment. Most orders with regular shipping that weigh less than five pounds will be sent via USPS. If USPS does not deliver to your street address, please give your PO Box as your shipping address. Orders that weigh over 10 pounds, have 2-3 business day shipping, or have next business day shipping will usually be sent via FedEx or UPS. If you would like expedited shipping or are ordering very heavy items like fluids, please give your street address as your shipping address. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

Can I choose which shipper/ carrier you use?

Our shippers select the best carrier for your address, the size and weight of the package, and the product or drug at the time of shipment. We ship orders using the United States Postal Service (USPS), FedEx, and UPS.

If you prefer FedEx or UPS, please select expedited shipping at checkout.

Most orders with regular shipping that weigh less than five pounds will be sent via USPS. Orders that weigh over 10 pounds, have 2-3 business day shipping, or have next business day shipping will usually be sent via FedEx or UPS.

My order shipped to the wrong address. What should I do?

Please contact us at 

My order was damaged during shipment. What can I do?

Please contact us at 

My order says it was delivered, but I did not receive it. What can I do?

Please contact us at 

My shipping tracking information stopped moving. What can I do?

Please contact us at 

Do you offer same day delivery?

Unfortunately, we are not able to offer same day delivery.

Can I just come to the pharmacy to pick up my order?

We are a closed-door pharmacy with no public access. For this reason, we mail all orders.

I need to get this order tomorrow. I chose next business day shipping at checkout. Will I really get my order tomorrow?

This is a complicated question and depends on a variety of factors, including when the order was placed, what the order is for, and whether we need a prescription. If you have any questions, please call us at 866-761-6578.

Over-the-counter orders

  • If your order is for over-the-counter items only, and it is placed Monday through Thursday before 3 PM Central time, we should be able to ship it the same day for next business day delivery.
  • If your order is placed after our shipping cutoff time or outside of business hours, the earliest that we can ship would be the next weekday.
  • If the order is placed on Friday for a product that requires shipping with cold packs, it will be shipped the next Monday (unless that is a holiday).
  • If the order is placed on Friday before our shipping cutoff for a non-refrigerated product, it will ship Friday, but the carrier will not deliver until the next Monday (unless there is a holiday).

Prescription orders

  • We must have a refill on file or a prescription in hand to be able to dispense a prescription order.
  • If an order has been placed and we have received a prescription before 3 PM Central time Monday through Thursday, we should be able to ship it the same day for next business day delivery.
  • If the order has been placed and we have received the prescription after our shipping cutoff time or outside of business hours, the earliest that we can ship would be the next weekday.
  • If the order has been placed for a product that ships with cold packs and we have received the prescription on Friday, it will be shipped the next Monday (unless that is a holiday).
  • If the order has been placed and we have received a prescription on Friday before our shipping cutoff for a non-refrigerated product, it will ship Friday, but the carrier will not deliver until the next Monday (unless there is a holiday).

It is important to note:

  • Our business hours are 8 AM to 5 PM Central time Monday through Friday and 9 AM to 1 PM Central time on Saturday.
  • Our carriers do not pick up on the weekend, so orders can only ship Monday through Friday.
  • Our shipping cutoff time is about 3 PM Central time Monday through Friday.
  • Items that must ship with cold packs cannot ship on Friday.
  • Our carriers do not deliver on Sundays.
  • We do not currently offer next day shipping with Saturday delivery. This is because the cost is prohibitive for most customers and not all addresses are eligible for Saturday delivery.
  • To dispense a prescription item, we need to have a refill or a prescription on file. It currently is taking on average two to three business days to obtain prescriptions.
  • Carriers are not always able to meet shipping requests for next business day or 2-3 day shipping for a variety of reasons.
  • There are times when we may have limited stock of certain products on hand. We do our best to have items on hand, but needs fluctuate.


Cancellations and Returns 👈

What is your return policy?

Over-the-counter items

Unopened OTC products in their original, sealed packaging can be returned within 30 days of receipt. Please send an email to to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number and directions. Refund amounts are based on the product price paid after discounts and before shipping charges and sales taxes. All shipping charges to return the order are the responsibility of the customer. All returns are subject to a 10% disposal fee when we take title to the returned items or a 10% refund administration fee when we do not take title to the items. Refund transactions can take up to 10 to 14 business days for processing and are applied to the credit card used during checkout.

Prescription items

All prescription items are final sale. We are unable to process refunds for the return of unwanted prescription items. Prescription items that are returned to our pharmacy will be disposed of according to local regulations and no refund will be processed. This is because pharmacies are unable to guarantee the integrity of prescription products, as defined by governing pharmacy laws, once the product is outside the pharmacy facility and no longer in the possession of a contracted carrier. Thank you for understanding this policy and helping us maintain the health and safety of all pets.

How can I cancel my order?

Before your order has been processed or finalized, you can cancel by going to the order details and clicking on Cancel this Order. If your order has been processed or finalized and has not shipped, you can contact us to request that your order be canceled. You can email us at If your order has shipped, it cannot be canceled.

How do I cancel my autoship?

In your account, find the subscription and click on Cancel Subscription below the product name, then follow the prompts.

About Us 👥

How do I know that VetRxDirect is a real pharmacy?

Our pharmacy has been verified by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy as a legitimate pharmacy. You can verify before you buy here.

We are also licensed to distribute prescription items by the board of pharmacy of every state in the US except Alaska. You can contact us at for our license number in your state to verify with your state board of pharmacy.

How do I contact you?

We strive to answer all messages within one business day. Please know we value your questions and work to find answers before we respond. If possible, please limit your message to one form of communication so we can help more people.

In an EMERGENCY, contact your veterinarian or local emergency veterinary service.

Place orders from your computer, tablet, or phone 24 hours a day on this website.


Text: 844-248-3448 Please note that text responses to this number may come from 309-204-0763.

Phone: 866.761.6578 Limited use of our phone lines is appreciated and will allow our technicians to freely communicate with veterinary clinics. Thank you.

By pharmacy law, we can only accept faxed prescriptions directly from veterinary clinics and hospitals.

❓ Product questions are quickly answered by using our ‘Ask a Question’ feature found on any product page.

Our pharmacy technicians may respond to messages using a different platform if we feel an alternative media will provide more comprehensive answers to more questions. For example, we may send a detailed emailed response instead of returning a call and leaving a voicemail.

What are your hours?

<p>8 AM – 5 PM Central time Monday through Friday</p>
<p>9 AM – 1 PM Central time on Saturday</p>

What is your mailing address?


1900 James Street Suite 11

Coralville, IA 52241

Where are you located?

Coralville, Iowa

The phrase Manufacturer Authorized Retailer appears on some product pages. What does that mean?

All products available at VetRxDirect are purchased directly from manufacturers themselves or from major US veterinary distributors who purchase from and report directly to the manufacturers.

Miscellaneous 🍲

How can I get an invoice to submit to my pet insurance?

If you have an account…

  • Log into your account. Find the order under My Orders. Click on Invoice to download the invoice.

Whether you have an account or checked out as a guest

  • In the order confirmation email sent to you when your order was placed, click on here where it says To check the status of your order, please click here Enter your order number, email address, and zip code. Click on Look Up Order, then click on Print Invoice
What is a VCPR and why is it important?

VCPR stands for the veterinarian-client-patient relationship, and it is a key foundation of veterinary medicine. The term summarizes the agreement that you and your veterinarian are making to each other. You are agreeing that you are both willing to do what you need to do for the best care of the patient, your pet. The veterinarian is promising that they are willing to examine your pet, help make clinical decisions about your pet’s health, be available for follow-up during any treatment, and keep records. You are promising to let the veterinarian help your pet by following their instructions for treatment and making sure your pet has necessary evaluations and continuing care.

Your veterinarian is always your first and best resource regarding the health and well-being of your pet. Scheduling regular checkups with your veterinarian ensures your pet is getting the right preventative treatments and helps your veterinarian catch any health issues before they become problems. If your pet is sick, injured, or needs medical attention, your veterinarian has the experience to make a professional diagnosis, recommend treatment, and prescribe the right medication.

VetRxDirect will only fill prescriptions with a valid VCPR. Your veterinarian is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of your pet which includes prescriptions. Your veterinarian must document prescriptions and is responsible for your pet while on these prescriptions.

Can your pharmacist recommend drugs and supplements for my pet?

Only veterinarians can recommend drugs and supplements for animals.

How can I tell if this medication has expired?

Unopened medications stored according to the manufacturer’s specifications are good until the expiration date printed on the package.

Once a package has been opened, all products will start to degrade. After a bottle of tablets or capsules has been opened, it is generally considered to be usable for about a year if stored properly.

Some medications and supplements have special discard instructions. For example, a manufacturer may have done tests on stability and contamination and publish in a drug’s package insert that a vial of a particular drug be discarded within 40 days after opening. If you have a question about a particular drug purchased from our pharmacy, please contact us at

How do I properly dispose of leftover or expired medication?

This depends on the medication. Many pharmacies have drug disposal boxes. Some local areas host medication take back days.

Drug information sheets usually have instructions for how to safely dispose of any leftover medication. If there are no special instructions for disposing of the drug, you can dispose of it in the trash. Mix the drug with an undesirable substance such as dirt, coffee grounds, or kitty litter to protect children and animals who may find the drug. Seal the drug in a bag, can, or other container and throw it out.

You can find more information about safely disposing of leftover medication on the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy’s website here: 

Why don’t you fill prescriptions for horses?

VetRxDirect’;s expertise is on small companion animals; mainly cats and dogs. Horses, dogs, and cats are biologically different and have different contraindications, adverse effects, dosing schedules, and toxicities to consider. Our pharmacists take pride in their knowledge of medications used in companion animals, but are reluctant to extend their assurance to all animals at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.’

How can I review a product?

You may receive an email after placing an order that asks you to review a product. If so, you can fill out a review using that email.’

You may want to help out another consumer by rating a product. You can also go to any product page, click on customer reviews, and choose the button Write a Review below the Review Snapshot.’

What are the guidelines for product ratings and reviews?


  • Be honest and constructive
  • Compare the product to similar products you’ve given
  • Provide examples of how the product did or did not meet your expectations


  • Don’t use offensive language
  • Don’t submit a review if yourself did not give the product
  • Don’t submit more than one rating and one review per product
  • Don’t submit a rating if you represent the manufacturer of the product
  • Don’t submit links or self-serving comments with your product reviews
  • Don’t include recommendations on prescription drugs and devices.
  • Don’t make claims on prescription drugs and devices.

Rating Moderation Policy

VetRxDirect values everyone’s opinions and comments and will make every attempt to publish all reviews. But, ratings will be removed in certain circumstances, including the following:

  • The rating is illegal
  • The rating contains obscenities
  • The rating contains personal identifying information about any user
  • The rating contains links
  • The rating was intended for another product
  • The rating was left by an employee of the product’s manufacturer or distributor
  • The rating was left by an employee of the product’s competing manufacturer or distributor
  • The rating contains a recommendation of any prescription drug or device.

To report a problem with a product rating or review, please send an email to

Will I get what I see in the picture on the website?

For prescription items, our pharmacy sells both brand names and FDA approved generic drugs. If you order a drug listed with the generic drug name, like latanoprost ophthalmic solution or enalapril tablets, we will fill whatever brand we have on hand. We are not able to guarantee what brand will be shipped with your order. The picture on the website may be a particular brand, but that brand may not be what ships to you.

Most over-the-counter items are brand name items made specifically for pets. We will ship the brand and version that you order. Manufacturers of pet OTCs change their product packaging and formulations frequently! We try to update the pictures on our website as we get new stock, but there may be a delay. Please contact us at before you order if you are looking for a particular new or old version of the product.

What is the difference between a generic and a brand name medication?

The brand name is the name given to a drug when it is first introduced for legal sale in the United States by the manufacturer after being approved by the FDA. The brand is the original. The generic medication name is the name of the active ingredient in the brand. Generic drugs are created by other manufacturers to copy brand name drugs in so far as they are the same dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance, and intended use.’

Can I order medications from your website for humans?’

Cats and dogs are given human and animal labeled medications for similar disease states as humans. In addition, both cats and dogs are prescribed medications that are the same as those used by human patients. However, our pharmacy fills only for companion animals, after receiving prescriptions for individual pets from veterinarians. The drugs may be the same, but we would only fill for animal use.

How are these medications different from human medications?

Cats and dogs are given human labeled medications for similar disease states as humans. The drugs we have that are labeled for human use are the same as human medications, but they have been diverted to be dispensed to animals. Our pharmacy fills only for companion animals, after receiving prescriptions for individual pets from veterinarians. The drugs may be the same, but we would only fill for animal use.

How can I find out where this drug was made?

Some product packages will list where the product was made, but some will not. Drugs and medication excipients are manufactured all over the world. As a legally operating pharmacy, all the drugs that we sell have been approved for sale in the United States by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA oversees drug quality in facilities all over the world.

How do I know that this tablet or capsule is what it says it is?

Tablets and capsules can be identified by the imprinted letters or numbers given on them on pill identifier websites. The NDC (National Drug Code) number can also be used to determine what pills of a particular strength by a certain manufacturer should look like. The NDC is printed on your prescription label. Some states, such as California, also require that pill descriptions be included on prescription labels. If you are not sure if you received the correct medication from our pharmacy, please call us at 866-761-6578.

What is an NDC?

The NDC is a 10 or 11 digit number given to human labeled and some animal labeled drugs by the FDA. The NDC uniquely identifies a medication and can be used to determine that you have the correct drug. The NDC has three parts. The first five digits identify the manufacturer. The second part identifies the drug. The last part represents the package size of the original packaging or bottle.’

OTCs and some vet labeled products do not have an NDC on the package, but can be uniquely identified by their barcodes. This information is included on your prescription label to help you identify your prescriptions.

Troubleshooting 🔎

You charged my card twice. What happened?

When your order was placed, a pending charge or a pre-authorization hold was placed in your account. No funds are collected until the pending transaction is finalized after your over-the-counter order has been reviewed or a prescription has been entered. At that point, the order is processed and payment is transmitted.

Depending on your card company, you may have the same transaction number or separate transaction numbers for the pre-authorization and the final transaction. If you are not sure if you have a duplicate order or if you are seeing two versions of the same transaction, please email us at 

I can’t add my veterinarian or my pet to check out.

There are a couple of reasons why customers may have trouble with this. One is that you may need to scroll to the bottom of the form to be able to fill out all of the information. Another is that you must fill in all the blanks for the button to submit to become active. If you have entered all the information and the button is still gray, make sure the phone number you have entered has 10 digits (area code and phone number – dashes can be included or not). If the phone number is complete, click outside of the box and see if the button will become active. If you are still having trouble, please call us at 866-761-6578 and a pharmacy technician can try to help you place the order over the phone.

My coupon won’t apply.

Coupon codes can be added at checkout. The codes are not case sensitive. If you add the code to the box and click apply and your code does not save, please check the code again. If you continue to have problems, please contact us at

My order is over $59, but I am still being charged shipping.

Most orders over $59 qualify for free regular shipping. If a product must be shipped with cold packs and/or expedited shipping, it will not qualify for free shipping.

I ordered the wrong product.

If you ordered the wrong over-the-counter item, please contact us about a return. OTCs can be returned within 30 days of the order date if they are unopened. We will refund the price of the product after any discounts have been applied, minus a 10% fee. We cannot refund shipping or sales tax. Please contact us at if you would like to request the return.

If you ordered the wrong prescription item, please email us at or call us at 866-761-6578 so we can investigate why your veterinarian prescribed the incorrect item or if another kind of mistake was made.

My pet passed away, and I don’t need this order anymore.

If your order has not shipped, we can cancel the order.

If your order has shipped and the item is an over-the-counter item, please contact us about a return. OTCs can be returned within 30 days of the order date if they are unopened. We will refund the price of the product after any discounts have been applied, minus a 10% fee. We cannot refund shipping or sales tax. Please contact us at if you would like to request the return.

If your order for a prescription item has left the pharmacy, we sincerely apologize but we cannot refund the order or accept a return. Prescription items that are returned to our pharmacy will be disposed of according to local regulations and no refund will be processed. This is because pharmacies are unable to guarantee the integrity of prescription products, as defined by governing pharmacy laws, once the product is outside the pharmacy facility and no longer in the possession of a contracted carrier. Thank you for understanding this policy and helping us maintain the health and safety of all pets.

My order says Awaiting Veterinarian Approval. Why hasn’t this shipped yet?

We are still waiting for a prescription that will allow us to dispense your order.

I can’t log in to my account. How do I reset my password?

If you cannot remember your password, you can click on I forgot my password on the sign in screen. The next page will ask you to submit your email address. A link that will automatically log you into your account will be sent to your email. Once you have been logged in, you can click on My Profile and enter and save a new password.

If you checked out as a guest when you placed your order, you may not have an account. In that case, you will not be able to log in to an account.

I can’t see my order in my account. What does this mean?

This may happen if you place an order for an over-the-counter product and check out as a guest.

You can still find information on your order by clicking on a link in your order confirmation email. In the order confirmation email sent to you when your order was placed, click where it says To check the status of your order, please click here. Enter your order number, email address, and zip code. You should be able to see information about the order.

If you ordered a prescription item and you can’t see the order in your account, make sure that you are logging in under the correct email address. Accounts are tied to your email address. You can change your primary email address after logging in, but if you create a new account with a new email address none of your past orders or prescriptions will be linked to your new account.

I tried to download my invoice to submit to my pet insurance, and I could not open the download.

We ship a paper copy of your invoice with every order. If you no longer have that and you are not able to download from your account, please email us at We can email you a copy of your invoice.

My order shipped to the wrong address.

Please contact us at

My order was damaged during shipment.

Please contact us at

My order says it was delivered, but I did not receive it.

Please contact us at