Adaptil Junior for Puppies

Adaptil Junior for Puppies

We're sorry, this product is no longer available.

Adaptil Junior for Puppies is currently unavailable. Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.

What is Adaptil Junior for Puppies?

  • Adaptil Junior is a pheromone collar that helps calm puppies.
  • It may reduce fear and stress behaviors, including howling at night.
  • Adaptil Junior helps promote a sense of calm and security. 

Why is Adaptil Junior used for Dogs?

  • This easy-to-use collar continuously releases soothing pheromones that mimic the pheromones generated by mother dogs.
  • Adaptil Junior may help comfort puppies through challenging and unfamiliar situations such as adoption, staying home alone, and loud noises.

What else should I know about Adaptil Junior for Puppies?

  • The natural pheromones help calm puppies.
  • Adaptil Junior Collar fits necks up to 14.7 inches for dogs weighing less than 35lbs.
  • It lasts up to 4 weeks.

What problems could my dog with Adaptil Junior for Puppies?

  • Remove the Adaptil Collar before bathing or shampooing, and replace it after the dog’s coat is dry.
  • Never attach a leash to the Adaptil Collar.
  • Do not open the protective pouch until the product is ready for use.
  • Behavior and environmental modifications may be required, and advice should be sought from your veterinarian.

How do you use Adaptil Junior for Puppies?

Adaptil Instructions

  • Place a finger in the plastic loop situated in the inside of the collar close to the buckle
  • Using this loop pull the thin plastic to uncoil the collar
  • Fasten the collar
  • Place over your dogs head to tie loosely around the neck.

Adaptil Instructions2

  • Tighten the collar to fit snugly with your dog’s skin
  • You should be able to place no more than 2 fingers between collar and dog’s skin.
  • Ensure the collar is fixed inside the buckle
  • Cut off the excess portion of the collar.

What is in Adaptil Junior for Puppies?

  • The Adaptil Junior collar contains soothing pheromones that mimic the natural pheromones generated by mother dogs to help calm puppies.

Will I get what I see in the picture?

  • Adaptil Junior for Puppies is a brand name. You will receive the exact brand that you request.