Uroeze (ammonium chloride) Rx
Uroeze (ammonium chloride) Rx
Uroeze (ammonium chloride) is currently unavailable.
Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.
Uroeze (ammonium chloride)
Uroeze is a prescription ammonium chloride supplement for dogs and cats. Ammonium chloride is a urinary acidifier that works by lowering the pH of a dog or cat’s urine, making it more acidic. Ammonium chloride is commonly used to prevent the formation of urinary struvite crystals and stones, which occur in urine with high pH (alkaline). If your pet has been diagnosed with struvites or other urinary problem, your veterinarian may prescribe a urinary acidifier such as Uroeze. Uroeze is available in a 200 mg, 400 mg tablet and 400 mg powder.
- Consult with your pet’s veterinarian before administering this medication and follow their specific instructions for use.
- Read and follow the prescription label carefully for storage information, possible side effects, and drug interactions.
- Give the exact amount prescribed and only as often as directed.
- Do not skip doses or stop giving the medication without consulting your veterinarian.
- For additional information, click the “More Info” and “Package Insert” tabs listed above