Travoprost Eye Drops Rx
Travoprost Eye Drops Rx
Travoprost Eye Drops is currently unavailable.
Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.
What is Travoprost ophthalmic solution?
Travoprost (Travatan) is a prostaglandin analog used to treat high eye fluid pressure and this product delivers the medication directly to the eye via drops. Travoprost is often used for glaucoma or high blood pressure of the eye and helps those disorders by increasing the outflow of the fluids from the eye. Travoprost may cause the pigment in your pet’s eye(s) to turn brown and may cause the eyelashes and fur surrounding the eye to thicken. Your pet may become more sensitive to light while using these eye drops.
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My dog is taking Sandoz Travoprost. Is this product the same???
Both of these products contain the same active ingredient, Travoprost 0.004%, but are from different manufacturers.
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