Silver Med Spray - discontinued
Silver Med Spray - discontinued
Silver Med Spray - discontinued is currently unavailable.
Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.
Silver Med Spray for Pets
Silver Med Wound Spray is used to help speed healing for cats and dogs during wound care and has been shown to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. It can be used on several areas: cuts, wounds, burns, flea and insect bites, and skin rashes or abrasions.
How to Use Silver Med Spray:
Clean the wound before application. The area needs to be free of debris and dirt. Use 3 to 4 pumps twice daily on the wound or as needed. Silver Med Wound Spray can also be used before any dressings are applied.
Talk with your pet's veterinarian regarding the use of Silver Med Wound Spray.
Silver Med Spray Ingredients:
- chelated silver
- deionized water
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Q & A
Is it safe for the cat to lick the area where sprayed??
Upon contacting the manufacturer, they have indicated that Silver Med Spray is indicated for usage on both dogs and cats. In addition, they also indicated that Silver Med Spray is non harmful if ingested. Contact your veterinarian with any concerns regarding the health of your animal. Thank you, VetRxDirect
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