safe-guard Canine Dewormer Rx
safe-guard Canine Dewormer Rx
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What is Safe-Guard Canine Dewormer for Dogs?
- Safe-Guard is a deworming medication that treats whipworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and roundworms in dogs.
- Safe-Guard contains the drug Fenbendazole.
- VetRxDirect requires a prescription from your veterinarian for all products containing Fendendazole to ensure its proper use.
Why do dogs use Safe-Guard?
- Safe-Guard protects your dog from harmful intestinal parasites.
- Fenbendazole is a proven effective broad-spectrum canine dewormer.
- Safe-Guard treats roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms in dogs.
What else should I know about Safe-Guard?
- Treats and controls roundworms, whipworms, hookworms, and some tapeworms.
- Broad-spectrum treatment.
- Mix with food for easy dosing.
What problems could my dog have with Safe-Guard?
- Safe-Guard should only be used in healthy dogs that are 6 weeks or older.
- Safe-Guard must be given for several days to be effective. Do not stop early or miss doses.
- Vomiting, excessive drooling, and diarrhea.
How do you use Safe-Guard?
- Give the granules with a small amount of food.
- Repeat the daily dose for three days then discontinue.
What is in Safe-Guard?
- The active ingredient in Safe-Guard is a dewormer (anthelminthic) called Fenbendazole.
- This medication binds to proteins in the parasite causing damage to the worm’s structure and cell transport function, which stops the infestation.
Will I get what I see in the picture?
- Safe-Guard is a brand name. You will receive the exact brand that you request.
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Q & A
What are the ingredients of this product??
Safe-Guard contains fenbendazole as the active ingredient. Fenbendazole is an anthelmintic drug used to treat infections of tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms. The inactive ingredients are not provided by the manufacturer.
Verified Answer
I use the topical product Advantage Multi. Would this product be safe to use with that??
According to the manufacturer, the Safe-guard Canine Dewormer is safe to give with other medications. You should watch your pet for any unusual reactions when they are taking multiple medications. It is best to talk with your veterinarian before starting any new medications for your pet.
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How often should I give dewormed to my dog??
It depends on the dewormer medication you are using. Some are once a month, others are a few days in a row. The package will list specific instructions on dosing. Thank you, VetRxDirect
Verified Answer
how often do i give dewormer to my dog ?
Ruthie, The recommended deworming schedule will depend on climate, activity of your dog, as well as the age of your pet. The manufacturer recommends that weaned pups (6 to 8 weeks of age) should be dewormed at 6, 8, 10, and 12 weeks of age and dogs over 6 months of age should be dewormed at least twice each year. This weight-based dose is given 3 days in a row for each scheduled time. Contact your veterinarian to determine whether or not this medication is appropriate for your pet. Thank you, VetRxDirect
Community Answer
I have two German shepherd over 50 lbs and two under 50 lbs what dosage do you recommend?
Daniel, You can find a dosing table by clicking the 'Safe-guard canine dewormer package label' link under the Package Insert tab above. We've added a hyperlink for your convenience. We apologize for not being specific, but the dosage is based on how much under and over 50 pounds each dog weighs. Thank you, VetRxDirect
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