Rhus Tox for Human Use
Rhus Tox for Human Use
Rhus Tox for Human Use is currently unavailable.
Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.
Rhus Tox Solution
This product is not intended to be consumed by pets.
Rhus Tox Oral Solution
Great for hikers, gardeners...anyone exposed to poisonous plants or to pets who have been exposed to poisonous plants.
We all know that people can get poison ivy by touching clothes or tools that have come into contact with the plant. But, have you ever considered your DOG? Dogs can transfer the oils of the poison ivy plant to their owners. Protect yourself with Rhus Tox Solution for Human Use.
• Helps prevent allergic reactions to poison ivy for a period of ONE YEAR
• Oral solution: no need for uncomfortable injections
• Most people achieve complete immunity.
Others experience less severe allergic reactions when exposed to poisonous plants.
• Recommended by physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other health professionals to help prevent allergic reactions caused by poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac
• Homeopathic: does not affect other prescription or over-the-counter medications
• Children as young as four years old have taken Rhus Tox. Patient must be able to hold solutions in mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Other than this, there are no age restrictions.