Pharmasal-T Shampoo
Pharmasal-T Shampoo
Pharmasal-T Shampoo is currently unavailable.
Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.
Pharmasal-T Shampoo for Dogs
Pharmasal-T is a medicated shampoo for dogs and horses with seborrheic skin conditions. It contains salicylic acid and coal tar to reduce grease, excessive oil, scales, and crusts and maintain normal skin moisture and control odor. It also contains menthol to cool and soothe itching, irritation, and flaking skin. Pharmasal-T uses pharmasome technology to encapsulate the ingredients allowing them to easily be absorbed through the skin and work more effectively.
- Specially formulated with menthol that cools and soothes itchy skin
- Reduces flaking
- Will not stain white coats
- For dogs and horses (NOT FOR USE ON CATS)
Pharmasal-T Ingredients:
3% Salicylic Acid, 2% Coal Tar, 1% Menthol, Water, Methocel E4M, EGDS Lauramide DEA, TEA Lauryl Sulfate, Fragrance Alpine Polyquat 7, Clear Coal Tar Solution, Preservative
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Q & A
Is this a good shampoo to use on schnauzers who have Schnauzer Comedone Syndrome??
Pharmasal-T is a medicated shampoo designed for dogs with seborrheic skin conditions. It contains salicylic acid and coal tar to reduce grease, excessive oil, scales, and crusts and maintain normal skin moisture and control odor. Speak with your veterinarian to determine if this shampoo fit’s your dog’s needs.
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Is this shampoo safe and EFFECTIVE on a Dachshund? She scratches (no fleas) and licks hee vulva and anus frequently! What other products would eliminate these problems??
Pharmasal-T Shampoo decreases excess oil secretion and scale formation. The effectiveness of the product is dependent on the cause of the skin condition your dog has. Please consult your veterinarian to ensure the correct diagnosis is made and proper treatment is started to ensure the best outcomes for your dog.
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