Mycodex Plus Environmental Aerosol Household Spray
Mycodex Plus Environmental Aerosol Household Spray
Treating your pets for fleas is only the first line of defense against a flea infestation. You need to treat your home, too. Mycodex Plus Environmental Aerosol Household Spray quickly and effectively kills all four stages of the flea life cycle using botanically derived insecticides.
- Kills all four stages of the flea life cycle—stopping reinfestation
- Kills ticks, spiders, ants, roaches, lice, silverfish, centipedes, and more
- Fast acting
- Long lasting protection – up to 210 days
If you’re battling a flea infestation, can take control with Mycodex Plus Environmental Aerosol Household Spray. This household spray uses a botanically derived insecticide to break the flea life cycle and kill fleas in all four stages – pupae, larvae, eggs, and adults. And this powerful spray controls the infestation for up to 210 days. Mycodex Plus Environmental Aerosol Household Spray contains Linolool, an insecticide, and Nylar, an insect growth regulator. One can of Mycodex Plus Environmental Aerosol Household Spray covers about 500 square feet and is safe for most surfaces including carpets, floors, upholstery, furniture, bedding, baseboards, and more.
What you should know about Mycodex Plus Environmental Aerosol Household Spray:
- Talk to your veterinarian before using this product.
- Read the label carefully for information about storage, possible side effects, use, and disposal.
- Ground shipping required due to DOT regulations. This product cannot be shipped to Hawaii.
- This product is not eligible for free shipping.
- Contact your local waste disposal for how to discard this product safely.
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Q & A
Is it safe to use Mycodex Spray with a toddler in the house??
According to the manufacturer’s product label, when using this product, do not allow adults, children, or pets to enter or contact the treated area/surfaces until sprays have dried. Also, do not apply this product in a way that will contact adults, children, or pets, either directly or through drift.
Verified Answer
How long do stay out a room you have sprayed? And do you have to leave your home or go to another room if far away after you have treated just one room.?
The package insert does not say to leave the room or house when the product is being used. However, it is recommended that the areas being sprayed must be completely dried before it is safe to enter. Please contact your veterinarian for more details if you are interested in using this product.
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Fleas are coming out from under my refrigerator. I think maybe eggs dropped down from my cat going on top of it and got sucked under like other dust does. I cleaned under it as best I could. There is some sort of insulation underneath and a water filter at the bottom. My best guess is it's warm and moist and eggs keep hatching. Can I spray Mycodex under my frig if I unplug it first??
We would not recommend spraying Mycodex under your refrigerator. Speak with your veterinarian for a proper protocol to ensure complete flea removal from not only the underside of the refrigerator but any other areas that may harbor fleas. Thank you, VetRxDirect
Verified Answer
How safe is this to use around my cats? Do I need to put them in another room while I spray or afterwards??
It is important to remove all pets, birds and cover all fish aquariums prior to spraying. Do not allow children or pets to contact sprayed surfaces until they have dried. Food processing surfaces should be covered or thoroughly cleaned before use. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing and wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Thank you, VetRxDirect
Community Answer
How fast does the Mycodex plus Environmental Control Aerosol Household Spray start working after you spray in your home??
Sherri, The Mycodex Plus Environmental Aerosol Household Spray begins to work on contact, however, it can take several steps to rid an area of fleas. Before applying a topical flea treatment to your pets, fleas can lay up to 20 eggs a day, which can fall off pets in your home. The eggs will hatch and find dark, low traffic areas (under rugs, in carpeting, and in and under furniture). The larvae will spin a cocoon and enter the pupal stage. Mycodex spray will kill fleas, eggs, and larvae, however it does not kill flea pupae. Because of this life cycle, it is common to need to retreat your home. The pupal stage of the flea is approximately 15% of the flea infestation – the fleas that are jumping onto you or your pets are coming directly out of this stage and will continue to do so in two week increments. Because of this; retreatments may be needed in two week intervals if large amounts of fleas are still seen after the original home treatment. Vacuuming and cleaning regularly every other day will also help to eliminate the final fleas as they emerge in the home. The entire flea life cycle takes approximately three to four weeks to complete; however, without any warmth or vibration to stimulate the pupae, they can lay dormant for up to one year. For this reason, it is always helpful to vacuum before spraying, as the vibrations will encourage the fleas to hatch from the pupal stage and will then bring them into contact with the product. Please also make sure all carpet, furniture (underneath also), and throw rugs (front and back) have been sprayed, and allow about an hour of drying time. Thank you, VetRxDirect
Community Answer
Is mycodex spray safe to use in my cat's litter??
Sara, Mycodex Plus Environmental Aerosol Household Spray is labelled that it is safe for use on a pet's bedding. While the label does not specifically address a cat's litter, if it is safe for use where a pet sleeps, it should be safe for use in a litter box. Thank you, VetRxDirect
Community Answer