Mal-A-Ket Shampoo
Mal-A-Ket Shampoo
Mal-A-Ket Shampoo is currently unavailable.
Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.
Antiseptic, Cleansing
Medicated Shampoo Formulation for Dogs, Cats and Horses
Acetic Acid 2%
Ketoconazole 1%
Chlorhexidine Gluconate 2%
Mal-A-Ket™ Shampoo is an antiseptic cleansing shampoo containing 2% acetic acid designed for management of conditions responsive to ketoconazole and/or chlorhexidine and/or acetic acid. The shampoo may be used on dogs, cats.
Ask your veterinarian if Mal-a-ket is a possible replacement product for the now unavailable product Malaseb.
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My dog won't stop chewing and biting is paws what can i do?
jojo916, We're sorry, but as a pharmacy we are unable to provide any therapy recommendations. We urge you to seek the professional advice of your pet's veterinarian. Thank you, VetRxDirect
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