Virbac Knockout Room and Area Fogger
Virbac Knockout Room and Area Fogger
Virbac Knockout Room and Area Fogger is currently unavailable.
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Virbac Knockout Room and Area Fogger
Total release fogger that contains pyrethrins and permethrin for quick-kill and residual kill against adult fleas, while pyriproxyfen (Nylar®) insect growth regulator sterilizes fleas and their eggs for 7 months. Treats 6000 cubic feet. Available in 6 oz. This product is an aerosol and can only ship ground service within the continental United States.
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How effective is this product, and have there been good reviews on this product?
Rocinda, The Virbac Knockout is a popular brand and should be effective at killing fleas as long as the directions are followed per the product's label. Thank you, VetRxDirect
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