Ketocort Otic Gel Rx
Ketocort Otic Gel Rx
Ketocort Otic Gel is currently unavailable.
Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.
What is Ketocort Otic?
Ketocort Otic is a single application treatment for yeast ear infections in cats and dogs. Ketocort is a ketoconazole and hydrocortisone long-acting gel matrix, which kills yeast in the ear. VetRxDirect requires a prescription from your pet's veterinarian to purchase Ketocort Otic. One box of Ketocort Otic contains 3 single use syringes/applicators. Ketocort Otic should be used as directed by your pet's veterinarian and only after a yeast infection has been confirmed.