Ketoconazole Suspension (Compounded) Rx
Ketoconazole Suspension (Compounded) Rx
Ketoconazole Suspension (Compounded) is currently unavailable.
Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.
What is the Ketoconazole Suspension for Dogs and Cats?
- Ketoconazole is a prescription antifunal agent used to treat fungal infections.
- Ketoconazole can also be used to reduce the dosage of cyclosporine.
Why do cats and dogs use Ketoconazole?
- Ketoconazole may be used to treat skin, bone, lung, or central nervous system infections. It may also be prescribed for Cushing's disease or other reasons.
What else should I know about Ketoconazole?
- When given at lower concentrations for shorter periods of time, ketoconazole may only inhibit the growth of the fungus and not kill the fungus. Follow your veterinarian's directions for giving the Ketoconazole carefully.
- Ketoconazole interacts with many drugs and supplements. Discuss any medications and supplements with your veterinarian before starting to give Ketoconazole.
What problems could my dog or cat have with Ketoconazole?
- Ketoconazole should be given to breeding animals only when absolutely necessary. Ketoconazole can cause birth defects and lower male fertility.
- Vomiting, lack of appetite, and diarrhea are the most common side effects of Ketoconazole, especially in cats.
- Liver toxicity is one possible serious side effect of Ketoconazole. Contact your veterinarian immediately if you see persistent vomiting, extremely poor appetite, or jaundice.
How do you use Ketoconazole?
- Ketoconazole should be given with high-fat foods such as cheese, cream, or butter to increase absorption.
- Pregnant women should wear gloves and use caution when handling Ketoconazole.
What is in Ketoconazole?
- The drug Ketoconazole is an antifungal.
Will I get what I see in the picture?
- The Ketoconazole Suspension is a compounded medication. The ingredients will be mixed specially for your dog or cat in our pharmacy.
Is it important for my dog or cat to finish all of the Ketoconazole?
- Ketoconazole is an antifungal. Resistance is a concern when using antifungals. To help avoid resistance, it is important for you to use this for as long as your veterinarian has prescribed, even if you dog or cat is looking and feeling better.
Who makes this Ketoconazole Suspension?
- This Ketoconazole Suspension is hand-made in our pharmacy.
- There is a minimum charge of $49.99.
- Shelf-life limits orders to an 80-day supply.