Feliway Optimum
Feliway Optimum
Feliway Optimum is currently unavailable.
Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.
What is Feliway Optimum for Cats?
- Feliway Optimum is a new pheromone discovery that may help reduce the most common signs of stress in cats.
- Feliway Optimum is a pheromone diffuser that plugs into an electrical wall socket.
Why is Feliway Optimum used for Cats?
- Feliway Optimum a drug free solution that helps cats with more signs of stress, in more situations, and calms cats better than ever;
- Feliway Optimum may reduce scratching, urine spraying, tension, and conflicts between cats, fears, and reactions to changes.
What else should I know about Feliway Optimum?
- Feliway may be used for all life stages of cats.
- It may be used in combination with medications or treatments.
- Feliway is not a sedative or tranquilizer.
- Each diffuser will provide calming pheromones continually for up to 30 days in a 700 square foot area.
What problems could my cat have with Feliway Optimum?
- Consult with your veterinarian before using this product and follow their specific recommendations for use.
How do you use Feliway Optimum?
- Each diffuser refill covers an area up to 700 sq. ft.
- For the best results, plug in your Feliway Optimum diffuser in the room where you cat spends the most time, or where conflict among your cats happen most frequently.
- Avoid plugging in the diffuser under shelves, behind doors, behind curtains, behind furniture. This will impair diffusion
What is in Feliway Optimum?
- Feliway contains feline pheromones.
Will I get what I see in the picture?
- Feliway is a brand name. You will receive the exact brand that you request.