Equine Deterrent Spray

Equine Deterrent Spray

We're sorry, this product is no longer available.

Equine Deterrent Spray is currently unavailable. Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.

What is Pinnaclife® Deterrent Spray?

Pinnaclife’s equine (horse) product line includes a Deterrent Spray, used to discourage horses from biting and chewing objects, themselves, and other horses. The spray contains denatonium benzoate, a non toxic bittering agent that horses dislike the taste of. The Deterrent Spray also contains Olivamine 10®, a patented ingredient exclusive to Pinnaclife products containing B vitamins, amino acids, MSM and an antioxidant derived from olives. The addition of Olivamine 10® helps promote skin and wound healing, when sprayed on a horse. The Deterrent Spray can be helpful for horses who bite or chew their skin, coat, tails, and environmental objects.

How should Pinnaclife® Deterrent Spray be used?

The Deterrent Spray should be used only under veterinarian supervision or approval. It should also only be used on horses and externally. Wear gloves while applying product. Spray directly onto affected areas/surfaces or onto a cloth and apply until moist. May be used 2-3 times per day or as directed by your horse’s veterinarian. Avoid contact with hands, eyes, and mouth.