Equine Antiseptic Spray

Equine Antiseptic Spray

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Equine Antiseptic Spray is currently unavailable. Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.

What is Pinnaclife® Equine Antiseptic Spray?

Pinnaclife’s equine (horse) product line includes an Equine Antiseptic Spray for cleaning wounds and other skin disorders. The Equine Antiseptic Spray is a gentle cleanser containing benzalkonium chloride and Olivamine 10® . Benzalkonium chloride is an antiseptic ingredient while Olivamine 10® improves healing. Olivamine 10® contains B vitamins, amino acids, MSM and an antioxidant derived from olives. Equine Antiseptic Spray reduces the risk of infection, relieves itching, and helps wounds and skin heal.

How should Pinnaclife® Equine Antiseptic Spray be used?

The Equine Antiseptic Spray should only be used under veterinarian approval or supervision. It should only be used externally, and on horses. Gently remove dirt and debris from the affected area then spray until moist. Use as sponge or cloth to apply to the areas of the horse’s face. Can be used with or without dressings. Repeat as directed by your horse’s veterinarian. Avoid contact with eyes and if condition persists or worsens, consult your horse’s veterinarian.