Allerderm Efa-Caps
Allerderm Efa-Caps
Allerderm Efa-Caps is currently unavailable.
Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.
What are Allerderm EFA-Caps?
Allerderm EFA Caps is a fatty acid supplement for dogs and cats that may improve skin and coat condition. They may especially help with skin allergy disorders and alleviate some of the symptoms associated with them. They contain the fatty acids EPA, DHA, LA, and GLA. They also contain vitamin A, D, and E. The capsules are formulated with a vanilla flavor which may make them more enticing for your pet. The manufacturer recommends one capsule per 25-50 lbs of body weight but they should only be used under approval from your pet's veterinarian's.