DOUXO Calm Gel

DOUXO Calm Gel

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DOUXO Calm Gel is currently unavailable. Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.

Douxo Caml Gel

Quick soothing action provides immediate relief of localized inflammation. Easy once per day application because of prolonged release of active ingredients. Reinforced with NDGA, an antioxidant 100 times more powerful than Vitamin E. Antifungal. Antimicrobial. Controls inflammation with no corticosteroids. Can be used on surgical sites. Contains Phytosphingosine Salicyloyl (0.01%) , Hinokitiol (0.2%), and Raspberry Seed Oil.

Calm, a line of phytosphingosinebased products designed to make treatment of allergic dermatitis easier and more effective for pets and pet owners.


For generalized allergic conditions, DOUXO Calm Micro-emulsion Spray and DOUXO Calm Shampoo are combined in a protocol that involves fewer shampoos than other allergy treatments. For localized inflammation and pruritus, DOUXO Calm Gel in spray form provides a convenient, once-a-day treatment with quick relief and long-lasting effects.

DOUXO Calm products combine phytosphingosine salicyloyl with hinokitiol, raspberry seed oil and Lipidure C (shampoo only). The synergy of these molecules breaks the vicious cycle of allergy.

Phytosphingosine salicyloyl










Restructures the stratum corneum





Protects against further penetration

















Raspberry Seed Oil










Restructures the stratum corneum

Lipidure C (shampoo only)





Surface hydrogel tightly bonds to keratin





Provides a physical and chemical barrier