CrossBlock II For Cats
CrossBlock II For Cats
CrossBlock II For Cats is currently unavailable.
Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.
What is CrossBlock II for Cats?
- CrossBlock II is a topical flea treatment for cats that kills adult fleas as well as their eggs and larvae.
- It contains Imidacloprid and Pyriproxyfen, which start killing fleas within 2 hours and continue to work for 1 full month of protection.
- CrossBlock II also prevents re-infestation of fleas by breaking the life cycle and preventing fleas from reproducing.
Why do cats use CrossBlock II?
- Your veterinarian may recommend CrossBlock II to prevent and control fleas.
What else should I know about CrossBlock II?
- Waterproof formula.
- Easy open, individual dose applicators.
- Not effective against ticks.
What problems could my cat have with CrossBlock II?
- For cats and kittens 8 weeks of age or older weighing at least 2 lbs.
- Do not let your cat or other pets lick or groom the treated area until it has dried (takes about 30 minutes).
How do you use CrossBlock II?
- Apply once a month to the skin.
- This product may be harmful to wildlife. Contact your local waste disposal agency about safe disposal.
What is in CrossBlock II?
- CrossBlock II contains the insecticides Imidacloprid and Pyriproxyfen.
- Imidacloprid and Pyriproxyfen kill fleas and keep them from reproducing.
Will I get what I see in the picture?
- CrossBlock II is a brand name. You will receive the exact brand that you request.
Is it important for my cat to finish all of the CrossBlock II?
- Cats may use CrossBlock II for different lengths of time. Please consult your veterinarian if you have any questions.
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Q & A
can I give this to my nursing cat??
The manufacturer states that your veterinarian should be consulted before using Crossblock II in pregnant or nursing cats. Your veterinarian has more information and is better able to make an appropriate recommendation regarding the care of your cat.
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- Is the item durable? Expiration date please???
Insecticides such as CrossBlock II are not marked with expiration dates by the manufacturer. Our stock of most products turns over quickly, and we have procedures in place to remove short-dated products.
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The ingredients are the same in crossblock for cats and dogs. Can you use the dog spot on for cats? Using the correct amount for their weight.?
The manufacturer states that CrossBlock II for Dogs and Puppies should only be used in dogs within the appropriate weight category. They do not provide information on using one product for another species. Contact your veterinarian if you have further questions or concerns regarding this product.
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