C.E.T. VeggieDent Chews
C.E.T. VeggieDent Chews
C.E.T. VeggieDent Chews is currently unavailable.
Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.
CET VeggieDent Chews for Dogs
What are CET VeggieDent Chews?
CET VeggieDENT Chews are a vegetable-based chew and may help reduce plaque buildup and tartar in dogs. The chews are in a Z shape, which helps clean your pet’s teeth when they chew it. They come in small and regular sizes and it’s best to try the smaller one first then work up to the large as needed. It is important for your pet to thoroughly chew CET chews, as swallowing the chews in large pieces or whole will not provide the teeth cleaning and can cause your pet to have an upset stomach. One chew daily is recommended, but contact your pet's veterinarian for specific recommendations.
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Q & A
My 13 year old peke-a-poo started on them about a week ago. The first few days, he absolutely loved them! Today, however, he won't go near them and I notice that he has started to become constipated. Do these veggiedents have anything to do with this??
Per the manufacturer, this product is only recommended once daily and it does have the potential for causing some upset stomach.
Verified Answer
Where are they made and any recalls at ?
It looks like these are made in Vietnam. We are not aware of any recalls of this product but you can contact the manufacturer directly and they would be able to give you any information on possible recalls that have happened. The manufacturer is Virbac Animal Health and their phone number is 817-831-5030. Thank you, VetRxDirect
Community Answer
Our vet recommended a chlorhexidine chew for our dog, however he cannot use a rawhide chew. He is a small breed 25lb boston terrier. What do you recommend? Do C.E.T. VeggieDents contain the chemical? Thank you?
Ernest, C.E.T. VeggieDent TarTar Control Chews for Dogs do contain chlorhexidine digluconate and are not rawhides. Another option to ask your pet's veterinarian about the possibility of oral sprays or rinses containing chlorhexidine like Nolvadent Oral Cleansing Solution or OralDent Cleansing Spray for Pets. Thank you, VetRxDirect
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