Roundup of the Week’s News from VetRxDirect for 12/6/13


How to Prevent and Treat Kidney Disease in Cats and Dogs


As loving pet owners, we like to think we know our furry friends better than they know themselves. When they’re suffering from allergies or flea and tick infestations, we’re always there with the right remedy to save the day. But the job gets a lot harder as they age. A dog or a cat over the age of ten is considered a senior, and just like his/her owners, they often have multiple medical issues at the same time.

For mature pets, kidney disease is now the leading cause of death. The job of the kidneys is to remove waste from the blood and move it through the urine. When these organs cannot perform this basic function, our pets may suffer serious health problems.

Causes of Kidney Disease in Pets

Much like the liver, the kidneys are filters that remove toxins and waste, and without them, our bodies cannot remain healthy for very long. For our canine and feline friends, these problems can be extremely difficult to detect, since they often occur in old age. Most pet lovers simply confuse common symptoms with normal signs of aging, rather than chronic or acute diseases.

The most common causes of kidney failure in Pets include:

  • Age
  • Cancer
  • Bacterial, viral, or fungal infections
  • Poison
  • Inflammation
  • Injury
  • Congenital disorders

Of course, it is impossible for the average pet lover to diagnose this potentially-deadly disease at home. The symptoms are typically nonspecific and may be present in numerous diseases and disorders. That said, if you observe any of the more serious symptoms, get your furry friend to his doctor as soon as possible!

Kidney Disease in Pets Signs May Include:

  • Increased water intake
  • Increased urination
  • Having “accidents” indoors, even though housebroken
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Frequent diarrhea
  • Bloody urine

Diagnosis of Kidney Disease in Pets

The good news is that renal or kidney problems are fairly easy to detect with the right tools and techniques. Your veterinarian should be able to determine the severity and the cause of the disorder in no time.

Treatment of Kidney Disease in Pets

Whether it is the acute or chronic variety, time is of the essence when your pet has impaired kidney function. Initial treatment almost always involves rehydrating your dog or cat, since he will have lost significant amounts of vital fluids if his kidneys are failing. Fluid therapy generally continues until the patient’s kidney’s can produce urine on their own.

In most cases of kidney failure, it is an underlying cause that is responsible for impaired renal function, rather than old age. This may involve a bacterial infection or ingestion of a poision.

Natural supplements: RenAvast

As we mentioned, kidney problems are sometimes the result of normal aging. Your dog or cat reaches his golden years and certain vital organs just don’t work as well as they used to. But it is also important to note that certain breeds are more prone to chronic kidney disease than others. For dogs, these breeds include Bull Terriers, Cocker Spaniels, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, and Cairn Terriers. For cats, they include Siamese, Persians, and Abyssinian. The disorder can cause a whole host of medical issues and should be treated as a lifelong condition.

Although there is no proof that a supplement can actually cure kidney failure, there is ample evidence that natural nutritional supplements for our furry friends support healthy kidney function, and at little cost! So, if your cat or dog is a member of one of the aforementioned breeds, or if he suffers from kidney disease, ask your veterinarian about RenAvast.

RenAvast Promotes Healthy Kidney Health in Pets

RenAvast is an all-natural solution, which means that there are no side effects or risk of harmful drug interactions. The supplement can be mixed with food and administered on a daily basis to both dogs and cats.

What’s in it? Peptides and amino acids are needed to support healthy kidney function in our pets. Cats and dogs experiencing kidney failure are in desperate need of these naturally occurring organic compounds. RenAvast replaces them, thereby promoting healthy kidney function. The results speak for themselves. In separate studies, many cats and dogs that suffered sudden weight lost regained the weight after they started taking RenAvast. Veterinarians also observed a decrease in vomiting, as well as a healthier, more lustrous coat.

As with any dietary supplement, you must consult your pet’s veterinarian before administering the pet med. You should also make certain you follow the dosing directions to the letter. Never double up on doses just because you missed one. Additionally, check out our additional medications for kidney-related health problems for cats and dogs.

Please let us know if you pet has tried RenAvast and your experiences in the comments section below.