Seasonal Allergy Relief Solutions For Dogs and Cats

For many of us, the autumn or fall season is approaching as soon as the daylight hours shorten, the weather starts to cool, and the leaves begin to change colors and drop from the trees. Many of the things we enjoy about fall are also triggers for those who suffer from allergies. The flowers of summer start to fade, but some plants wait just for this time of year to bloom. It is also harvest time for many crops, which can cause large amounts of dust, pollen, and mold to be released into the air. Just like us, dogs and cats can develop an allergy or sensitivity to natural substances outside or in the air.

Sneezing, watery eyes, itching ears, itching skin, increased scratching, licking and chewing on skin areas, and hot spots are some of the most common signs. If the itching becomes intense, dogs and cats can damage their skin, trying to scratch and relieve the sensation, which can lead to more problems like infection. Seasonal allergies may come and go depending on the time of the year, and it may be difficult to pinpoint the exact trigger that is causing your dog or cat problems. There are a variety of different treatments, medications, and products to help control seasonal allergies. Talk with your veterinarian about the best solution for your pet. VetClassics features a line of nutritional supplements and topicals designed just for dogs and cats with allergies.

VetClassics Allergy at VetRxDirect

VetClassics Allergy Skin & Coat Soft Chews are packed with Omega fatty acids DHA and EPA in a tasty soft chew. It helps maintain skin moisture and includes natural antioxidants for a healthy immune and respiratory system. Allergy HotSpot Foam is quick drying and designed to relieve itchy, irritated skin. It includes aloe vera, witch hazel, and tea tree oil, which quickly soothes skin. Its bitter taste discourages chewing and licking.

VetClassics Ear Wash cleans away dirt and debris while reducing wax buildup. It also eliminates odor from smelly ears. Allergy Ear Wash contains tea tree oil, witch hazel, and aloe vera to soothe itching, irritation, and mild inflammation that causes your dog or cat to scratch. This ear cleanser can be used as often as needed, especially after bathing and swimming.


This information is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease and is purely educational. Please seek advice from your pet’s veterinarian with any questions regarding your pet’s health.

Get Your Pets Ready for Summer!

3 Steps to a Healthy Pet this Summer

I’ve got good news and bad news. First, the good: summer is almost here. Now the bad: it’s time to do battle with nasty pests and seasonal allergies on behalf of our pets.  Fortunately, we have everything you need to keep your cat and dog happy, healthy, and safe this summer.

Take these three steps now to get Fido or Fluffy ready for the summer:

Step 1: Protect from heartworms. Mosquitoes hatch in warm weather. They’re the most dangerous parasite for pets because they carry heartworm, which can be deadly. If your dog or cat isn’t on a year-round heartworm medication regimen, now is time to start. Many heartworm treatments also protect your pet from dangerous intestinal worms including whipworm, roundworm, and hookworm. Talk to your veterinarian about which medication is right for your pet then shop with us — we stock a wide range of heartworm medications.

Step 2: Fight fleas and ticks. The two most irritating pests—fleas and ticks – flourish in the summer. Flea bites not only make your pet miserable, they can transmit tapeworms.  And if your pet has a flea infestation, your home may be infested too and that is a huge nuisance.

Ticks may be a little less irritating than fleas (no less gross, though), but they’re more dangerous because they can transmit Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Ehrlichosis.

Prevention is your best defense when it comes to fleas and ticks. Look for broad- spectrum treatments that prevent fleas and ticks from getting on your pet, and kill all stages of existing fleas and ticks – both adults and immature forms. There are several new preventatives that combine medications with new, more convenient dosing processes. Be sure to get your vet’s recommendation first. Click here to see VetRxDirect’s flea and tick newsletter.

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Step 3: Treat allergies. It’s allergy season for humans and pets alike. Pets can develop allergic reactions to flea bites, grasses, pollen, mold, and even foods. How do you know if your pet has allergies? Look for symptoms including skin irritation, scratching, wheezing, and ear infections. We have a many oral and topical allergy treatments for dogs and cats. Talk to your vet about what treatment is best for your pet’s condition.

Here’s to a fun, healthy summer for you and your pet!
