Omega-Caps HP
Omega-Caps HP
Omega-Caps HP is currently unavailable.
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Omega Caps HP Snip Tips for Dogs and Cats
Omega Caps is a concentrated essential fatty acid supplement for dogs and cats. It contains a blend of Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, and fish oil. Omega Caps also includes vitamin E, and antioxidant that helps reduce free radicals in the body. Providing a fatty acid supplement to your dog or cat's diet may help maintain joint health, support their immune and nervous systems, and function of the brain and heart. Snip Tip capsules are designed for easy use, simply twist or cut of the tip and pour liquid into the food. Available in 60ct and 250 ct bottles for Small Dogs/Cats and Medium/Large Breed Dogs.
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What is the weight recommendation to be considered as a medium dog??
The manufacturer suggests the Omega-Caps HP Snip Tips for medium and large dogs 30 pounds and over. Thank you.
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