Harmonease is currently unavailable.
Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.
What is Harmonease?
Harmonease is a chewable tablet for dogs which may help with stress during noisy and fearful times. Harmonease may reduce excessive chewing, licking, spinning, digging, and cowering during stressful events. Harmonease may also be beneficial for noise phobias. Harmonease has natural ingredients include Phellodendron and Magnolia extracts. Contact your pet's veterinarian prior to starting Harmonease.
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Q & A
does relora or harmonease help a dog that has cushings disease by helping to lower the cortisol? Is it safe to simply give him relora which I take daily. Lysodren is so very expensive, and he's been on it 3 years. ?
Neither supplement, Relora nor Harmonease, has an FDA indication for the treatment of Cushing's disease. The manufacturer of Harmonease claims this product may reduce anxiety but the product hasn’t been shown to decrease cortisol levels. Please contact your veterinarian for other possible treatment options for your pet to treat Cushing’s. Thank you, VetRxDirect
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