Granulex V Rx
Granulex V Rx
Granulex V is currently unavailable.
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Granulex V
Granulex V is an aerosol wound treatment spray for dogs, cats, horses, and livestock. It can be applied with or without bandaging to help treat cuts, burns, abrasions, and lacerations. It works to help debride the wound from debris and dead tissue to aid in the healing process. Ingredients include trypsin crystalline, balsam peru, and castor oil. Granulex V is available in a 4 oz aerosol spray.
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Q & A
I had a kitten dropped off at my home. Seems to be around 4-5 months old. Its paws are sore and it had debris in between its pawpads. Its pads are extremely rough and the kitten is constantly kicking its feet around as if something is stuck on them. Is it safe to use Granulex on them??
Granulex V is a wound treatment spray used to clean wounds and aid in healing. There should not be any issues with using the spray on your cat. Your local veterinarian would be able to provide details for the best approach on how to treat your cat.
Verified Answer
Is this product safe to use on surgical incisions? My cat has had 2 surgeries for Fibrosarcoma and the incisions are not healing. It's been more than 2 months for the first surgical incision. Vet cannot remove the staples! Will this product stimulate the cancer to grow back? Thanks!?
Granulex V is a prescription wound treatment spray used to help clean wounds and promote healing. It is not labeled for use on surgical wounds or cancer. We recommend asking your veterinarian about the best treatment option for your cat.
Verified Answer
My cat has wound on nose. It itches, she scratches the scab off and it opens again. How can I use Granulex on nose??
Granulex V is available only by a prescription from your veterinarian. The active ingredients included in Granulex V are castor oil, peru balsam and trypsin. Application of Granulex V to a wound area may help debride the wound area of dead or necrotic tissue, provide antibacterial activity, act as a blood flow stimulant, and provide a protective barrier over the wound. The ingredients in Granulex V can cause severe eye irritation and the manufacturer recommends to avoid getting this product in the eye. Contact your veterinarian to verify if using Granulex V for a wound on your cat’s nose would be appropriate. Your veterinarian may recommend an alternate or additional therapy depending on the severity and length of time your cat has had the wound.
Community Answer
Hello granulex is for animals?
Yes, that is used on animals. Thank you, VetRxDirect
Community Answer
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