C.E.T. HEXtra Premium Chews for Cats
C.E.T. HEXtra Premium Chews for Cats
C.E.T. HEXtra Premium Chews for Cats is currently unavailable.
Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.
C.E.T. HEXtra Premium Chews for Cats
The novel formulation of the C.E.T. HEXTRA Premium Chews for Cats works with the cat’s chewing action to help reduce plaque and loosen calculus. This chew is ideally sized for cats and provides natural abrasive cleansing action in a tasty fish flavor.
- Provides a powerful antiseptic effect to help remove plaque and reduce tartar
- Fish flavored and Kibble sized to appeal to finicky feline tastes
- Helps keep the teeth clean and breath fresh especially for cats that resist brushing
- Available in 3.7 oz bag for a 30 day supply for 1 cat.
*We are unable to ship this product to New Mexico*
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Q & A
I do not have the money to get my cats teeth cleaned at the vet and she does not like me to clean her teeth. Do CET HEXtra chews really help clean the teeth??
Debbie, Hextra Chews may help slow the buildup of tartar and can be part of your routine home health care for your cat, but they do not replace a professional dental cleaning. Dental examinations by veterinarians are important in our pets to find diseases like periodontal disease or tooth decay that would require a teeth cleaning. Your pet's veterinarian would also have a definitive answer on whether or not Hextra Chews are appropriate for your cat's oral hygiene. Thank you, VetRxDirect
Community Answer
What are the ingredients of your cat chews??
Eric, The C.E.T. Hextra Premium Chews for Cats by Virbac Animal Health have the following ingredients: Rice Bran Sorbitol Dextrose Chlorhexidine Diacetate Corn Starch Purified Water Sorbic Acid Cheese Powder Super 7 Cat Flavoring Calcium Propionate Thank you, VetRxDirect
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